Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Makeover Series : Part 1

* photo courtesy thea0211
I have worn spectacles since I was 19, earlier they used to give me a studious look - important when you always have bunk on mind and are doing engineering & later it became a habit.
Different frames during the year but one thing in common they always added maturity to my face. I loved them as I look very young for my age , and am handling a huge team , where most of the people are older than me ( some even 10 to 12 years older than me).
But now as part of releasing my Inner Goddess project , I have taken a decision that I will not hide me behind the glasses, so yesterday night I got myself a pair of trial lenses from Bausch & Lomb, they are extremely soft, can be worn for 8 to 10 hours daily , last for a month & cost Rs 350 for the pair. Have already worn them for 4 hours today, and am taking things slow with them ( 4 hours for 3 days , then 6 hours & so on ) , but they have given me freedom & my face back...
Hurrah for the small yet significant change in my life.
Let me try them for 2 weeks & then I will do a review of the lenses...

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